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Johann Sebastian Bach

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080

c. 1742–1749

Total duration: 85'

The Art of Fugue was left incomplete by Bach and published posthumously in 1751. The ordering and selection of pieces intended to comprise the final collection is not known for certain. The likely intended form is a set of fourteen contrapuncti of increasing complexity (BWV 1080/1–13 and 1080/19) with four additional canons (BWV 1080/14–17, perhaps with the first played last), all presumably for keyboard.

The first edition includes additional movements: an earlier version (BWV 1080/10a) of the contrapunctus alla decima (BWV 1080/10), arrangements for two harpsichords (BWV 1080/18) of the second contrapunctus inversus (BWV 1080/13), and the organ chorale prelude Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein (BWV 668).

Some of the pieces are also found with minor differences in an autograph manuscript; the ordering of this manuscript is different to the first edition.

The BWV numbering used here is as given in BWV1,2,2a. In BWV3, the two versions are identified as BWV3 1080.1 (autograph) and BWV3 1080.2 (first edition), with the numbering of the sections (I–XV and 1–20 respectively) corresponding to the sources.

BWV1,2,2atitlefirst edition
(BWV3 1080.2)
(BWV3 1080.1)
1080/1Contrapunctus 111
1080/2Contrapunctus 223
1080/3Contrapunctus 332
1080/4Contrapunctus 44
1080/5Contrapunctus 554
1080/6Contrapunctus 6 in Stylo Francese67
1080/7Contrapunctus 7 per Augmentationem et Diminutionem78
1080/8Contrapunctus 8810
1080/9Contrapunctus 9 alla Duodecima95
1080/10Contrapunctus 10 alla Decima106
1080/10aContrapunctus 10 alla Decima (earlier version)146
1080/11Contrapunctus 111111
1080/12,1Contrapunctus inversus 12, forma recta12b13a
1080/12,2Contrapunctus inversus 12, forma inversa12a13b
1080/13,1Contrapunctus inversus 13, forma inversa13b14a
1080/13,2Contrapunctus inversus 13, forma recta13a14b
1080/14Canon per Augmentationem in Contrario Motu1512
supp. 1
1080/15Canon alla Ottava169
1080/16Canon alla Decima in Contrapunto alla Terza17
1080/17Canon alla Duodecima in Contrapunto alla Quinta18
1080/18,1Fuga inversa, forma inversa [for two keyboards]19asupp. 2b
1080/18,2Fuga inversa, forma recta [for two keyboards]19bsupp. 2a
1080/19Fuga a 3 Soggetti [incomplete]20supp. 3
668Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein21

Recommended editions

1. Contrapunctus 1, BWV 1080/1

Duration: 3'

Difficulty: 3.5

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 1. Contrapunctus 1, BWV 1080/1

2. Contrapunctus 2, BWV 1080/2

Duration: 3'

Difficulty: 3.5

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 2. Contrapunctus 2, BWV 1080/2

3. Contrapunctus 3, BWV 1080/3

Duration: 3'

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 3. Contrapunctus 3, BWV 1080/3

4. Contrapunctus 4, BWV 1080/4

Duration: 4' 30"

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 4. Contrapunctus 4, BWV 1080/4

5. Contrapunctus 5, BWV 1080/5

Duration: 3'

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 5. Contrapunctus 5, BWV 1080/5

6. Contrapunctus 6 in Stylo Francese, BWV 1080/6

Duration: 4' 30"

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 6. Contrapunctus 6 in Stylo Francese, BWV 1080/6

7. Contrapunctus 7 per Augmentationem et Diminutionem, BWV 1080/7

Duration: 4'

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 7. Contrapunctus 7 per Augmentationem et Diminutionem, BWV 1080/7

8. Contrapunctus 8, BWV 1080/8

Duration: 6'

Difficulty: 3.5

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 8. Contrapunctus 8, BWV 1080/8 The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 8. Contrapunctus 8, BWV 1080/8 The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 8. Contrapunctus 8, BWV 1080/8

9. Contrapunctus 9 alla Duodecima, BWV 1080/9

Duration: 3'

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 9. Contrapunctus 9 alla Duodecima, BWV 1080/9 The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 9. Contrapunctus 9 alla Duodecima, BWV 1080/9

10. Contrapunctus 10 all Decima, BWV 1080/10

Duration: 5' 30"

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 10. Contrapunctus 10 all Decima, BWV 1080/10 The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 10. Contrapunctus 10 all Decima, BWV 1080/10

10. Contrapunctus 10 all Decima (earlier version), BWV 1080/10a

Duration: 4' 30"

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 10. Contrapunctus 10 all Decima (earlier version), BWV 1080/10a The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 10. Contrapunctus 10 all Decima (earlier version), BWV 1080/10a

11. Contrapunctus 11, BWV 1080/11

Duration: 7'

Difficulty: 4.5

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 11. Contrapunctus 11, BWV 1080/11 The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 11. Contrapunctus 11, BWV 1080/11 The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 11. Contrapunctus 11, BWV 1080/11

12a. Contrapunctus inversus 12, forma inversa, BWV 1080/12,2

The ordering of the recta and inversa versions given here matches that of the first edition; this is opposite to the ordering in the autograph manuscript and BWV1,2,2a.

Duration: 3'

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 12a. Contrapunctus inversus 12, forma inversa, BWV 1080/12,2

12b. Contrapunctus inversus 12, forma recta, BWV 1080/12,1

Duration: 3'

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 12b. Contrapunctus inversus 12, forma recta, BWV 1080/12,1

13a. Contrapunctus inversus 13, forma recta, BWV 1080/13,2

The ordering of the recta and inversa versions given here matches that of the first edition; this is opposite to the ordering in the autograph manuscript and BWV1,2,2a.

Duration: 2' 30"

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 13a. Contrapunctus inversus 13, forma recta, BWV 1080/13,2

13b. Contrapunctus inversus 13, forma inversa, BWV 1080/13,1

Duration: 2' 30"

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 13b. Contrapunctus inversus 13, forma inversa, BWV 1080/13,1

14. Canon per Augmentationem in Contrario Motu, BWV 1080/14

Duration: 4' 30"

Difficulty: 3

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 14. Canon per Augmentationem in Contrario Motu, BWV 1080/14

15. Canon alla Ottava, BWV 1080/15

Duration: 2' 30"

Difficulty: 3.5

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 15. Canon alla Ottava, BWV 1080/15

16. Canon alla Decima in Contrapunto alla Terza, BWV 1080/16

Duration: 4' 30"

Difficulty: 3

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 16. Canon alla Decima in Contrapunto alla Terza, BWV 1080/16

17. Canon alla Duodecima in Contrapunto alla Quinta, BWV 1080/17

Duration: 2'

Difficulty: 3

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 17. Canon alla Duodecima in Contrapunto alla Quinta, BWV 1080/17

18. Fuga inversa, BWV 1080/18

This is an arrangement for two keyboards of contrapunctus inversus 13 (BWV 1080/13) in both the forma recta and forma inversa versions.

19. Fuga a 3 Soggetti, BWV 1080/19

This fugue is incomplete.

Duration: 9' 30"

Difficulty: 4

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 19. Fuga a 3 Soggetti, BWV 1080/19 The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 19. Fuga a 3 Soggetti, BWV 1080/19 The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 19. Fuga a 3 Soggetti, BWV 1080/19

20. Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 668

The first edition concludes with the chorale prelude Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein (BWV1 668; BWV2,2a 668a; BWV3 668.1), which Bach purportedly dictated on his deathbed, but presumably did not intend to form part of the collection. Although intended for organ, it can be played on an instrument without pedals. There exists an alternative, incomplete version with only slight differences (BWV1,2,2a 668; BWV3 668.2) under the title Vor deinen Thron tret ich. Under the title Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, Bach set the same melody in a different chorale prelude for organ (BWV 641), a possibly-spurious chorale with variations for organ (BWV1,2,2a Anh. 78; BWV3 App A 17), and two four-part chorales (BWV 431 and 432).

Duration: 4' 30"

Difficulty: 3

The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 20. Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 668 The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080; 20. Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 668

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